7:30 a.m. |
9:00 a.m. |
9 - 10:30 a.m. |
Alumni Registration at City Hall
10:30 a.m.-12 noon at M-C School |
10:00 a.m. |
Arrival of Antique Cars, Main Street |
Checkers Tournament, All Ages, Bring
your own board, Mabel House Hotel
Video & Films of Historical Mabel Events
Parades, BeauDean Wold, 1973
Graduate, Host. Ongoing thru day,
M-C School, Room 50 (Ag Room) |
People Mover Rides, Take the
Historical Map of Mabel Tour,
Main Street Village Square (Donation)
TUNNEL RAT Presentation, M-C School
Pullin’ to Keep Kids Drug Free”,
Classroom Presentation, Room 51,
Shawn Bangs, 1989 Graduate
presents a program dealing with
drug addiction & depression |
Mabel Methodist Lunch Wagon,
Main Street |
10 - Noon |
Autograph Party, “A Band of Coyotes”,
International Scholastic Award Winning
Book by Mabel’s 2002 Fourth Grade
Authors, Scholastic Book Fair,
M-C School |
Kids’ Games, M-C Cheerleaders,
Hands on Display by Houston
Nature Center, Grass Lot by Mabel
House Hotel |
Hosted by Supt. Mike Moriarty,
Principal Kay Dahle & Students |
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. |
Scandinavian Kaffe Hus, American
Legion Hall, Hesper & Scheie
Lutheran Churches |
11:00 a.m. |
Classmate Reunions, Designated
Rooms at M-C School |
Noon |
Alumni Membership Dinner
Reservations Required (Members Only)
25 year and over Alumni Association annual dues of
$2 and $8.50 dinner reservation must be sent by April 30
to Arona Hanson Schuck, 1880 Waterford Place SW,Rochester,
MN 55902. The meal will be catered by Mabel
First Lutheran Church women. |
1:30 p.m. |
2 - 3:00 p.m. |
Mystery Theatre Presentations,
Mabel House Hotel, TOURS AVAILABLE |
3:00 p.m. |
“Telling It Like It Was”, Mabel’s finest
Storytellers with stories about our
past, Mabel Public Library |
4 - 5:00 p.m. |
Mystery Theatre Presentations,
Mabel House Hotel, TOURS AVAILABLE |
7:00 p.m. |
“Music & Memories” Concert,
Mabel First Lutheran Church, Hosts:
Dr. Lee McMillen, Marie Larson &
Josh Wennes; Mabel’s finest musicians
from all years to the present with
wonderful sounds you’ll love to hear!
Special presentations from the
Edstrom & Ruehmann Families,
Donations used for Area Food Shelf |
8 - 9:00 p.m. |
Music by “Nitris”, M-C Students
Area by Steamer’s Subs & Pies |
9:00 p.m. |
Dance at American Legion Hall,
Chris Landsom D-Jay (note
Many of the Mabel-Canton Alumni will be having
class reunions Saturday evening.
Plan one for your year and contact your lassmates to
come back and get reacquainted with one nother.
Due to inclement weather, all possible activities will be
held at the Mabel-Canton School. Due to rain, the
Fireworks display will be Saturday at dusk. If cancelled
on Saturday, they will be at dusk on Sunday.
Restrooms Available: Mabel City Hall, BBG’s, American
Legion Hall, Mabel Liquor Store, Mabel Amoco, Steam
Engine Grounds, Historical Barn & Portables on Main Street.